Why Los Cabos?

Los Cabos is one of the favorite destinations for many tourists around the world to vacation during the summer and winter seasons, as it boasts many of the best beaches both nationally and internationally.

It has Blue Flag certification on most of its beaches, which means that they are clean beaches with high standards of quality and safety. In addition, ecosystems both in and out of the sea are carefully maintained.

marine ecosystems 

We have one of the healthiest marine ecosystems in the world, located in Cabo Pulmo, it is one of the favorite places for tourists and local people, since it has one of the best diving experiences. In 2015 Nat Geo selected one of the photos taken by a diver in Cabo Pulmo as one of the best of the year, where you can see part of the marine fauna in the place.

All the Fish in the Sea. (s. f.). National Geographic. Recuperado 17 de septiembre de 2022, de https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photo-of-the-day/photo/diverfish-cabo-pulmo

Its incomparable tourist attractions

Baja California Sur, has a wide variety of tourist attractions along its peninsula, where you can take incredible photos in different types of settings, it also has towns full of attractions and historical places within the same city.

The Arch of Cabo San Lucas
One of the main tourist attractions of the city of Los Cabos, distinguished by its window between the Sea of Cortés and the Pacific Ocean, also recognized by the place where the earth ends or Finisterra, this marks the end of the earth on the peninsula of Mexico.

Todos Santos

Todos Santos is one of the iconic places in the Baja, located between La Paz and Los Cabos, it is an attraction for many tourists, since it is said that the California hotel that is located in the place was the inspiration for the Eagles artists to compose his famous song Hotel California.

Balandra Beach

Located in La Paz, it is one of the best beaches in Mexico according to the opinion of many tourists who have visited Mexico and some of our beaches.


  • Snorkeling

  • Skydiving

  • whale watching

  • Road trip on ATVs and different vehicles

These and many other things you can do when visiting the municipality of Baja California Sur, you will not regret visiting this incredible State, where you can have fun and learn about our history.